Christmas Concert
I hope you all enjoyed the fantastic show last night. I'd like to again thank the staff for their tremendous efforts, the Parents Association for running the shop/raffle and the children for their hours of preparation and incredible performances! We'll enjoy the break now and look forward to next year.
Early Closure for Parish Meeting
Please note that the school will close tomorrow at 12h30 on Friday 14th of December.
Indoor Football
Well done to the Boys of 3rd/4th Class for attending an Indoor Football blitz in Donoughmore today. Great fun was had by all and they competed well.
1.30pm – 2.30pm Club
The infant club got off to a great start this week. We have 5 children availing of the service today. If you are interested in the club next week it will run from Monday to Thursday inclusive. Please let the school office know if ASAP if you intend to send your child/ren.
Saint Vincent de Paul
The SVDP is currently organising their Annual Christmas Food Appeal, if you would like to drop any non-perishable foods in next week please do so before Wednesday.
Wildlife Heritage Presentation
Ms. Niamh O’Flynn from the Heritage and Schools Scheme will give a free (we were lucky to avail of a December promotion) talk to all classes here on Monday. Ms. O’Flynn is a native wildlife educator. Could everyone from 3rd – 6th class please bring in waterproof shoes or wellies on Monday.
School Group Photos
Around 15 families in the school order and paid for school group photos earlier this year. Could you please let Catherine in the office know (by e-mail or phone) if you ordered a group photo as Quaid have them ready for you now.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Mulcahy, Principal