Yesterday our debating team took part in the Concern’s Primary Schools Debate against Balinora NS. We opposed the motion “People should be fined for not recycling”. After a very closely fought contest the motion was carried and Balinora School declared the winners. The 3 speakers, Hannah Lucey, James Fairtlough and Bríd Hegarty were highly praised by the judges for their excellent speeches and arguments and James was awarded the overall best speaker in the debate. The debating team also included Gráinne O’Sullivan, Faye Mulready and Grace Murphy. Well done to all!
Parent teacher meetings
The Parent Teacher Meetings will take place next week on 13th & 14th of November. The uptake of appointments on Aladdin Connect worked very well. Please note that the school will close at 12.30pm on 13th of November to facilitate the meetings.
Open Day/Open Night
We will hold our school Open Day on Wednesday 28th of November from 2pm-3pm in the school, all parents and children welcome and we will have our Open Night on Wednesday 5th of December from 7.30pm to 8.30pm all welcome. Please spread the word.
Parents’ Association News
The Parents association are holding a meeting on Wednesday 14th November at 8:30pm in the school to discuss this year’s activities and the upcoming Christmas bazaar. We would encourage a parent from each family to attend of possible.
Christmas Cards
We are going to run the Christmas Card fundraising initiative again this year. Pupils from 1st to 6th class will do their art work in school. Juniors and Seniors will do their cards with their parents as part of their homework tonight at home and return their templates tomorrow. Your child will also receive a photocopied sheet to practice their drawing on first, if necessary.
The last session of Rugby training will take place next Friday 16th of November for classes from 3rd to 6th.
Dates for your diary:
Juniors – 2nd class will be going to the Christmas Panto “Aladdin” in the Opera House on Thursday 6th of December.
The School Christmas Concert will take place in Inniscarra Community Centre, Ballyanly - Thursday 13th of December.
Inniscarra Camogie
The Munster Camogie Senior Club Final will take place in Cashel on Sunday 11th of November at 2.30pm between Inniscarra and Inagh-Kilnamona. Good luck girls!! A special mention to Ms. Áine O’Connor – Senior Infant teacher who will be playing on the Inniscarra Senior team.
Card Playing in Vicarstown NS
The Vicarstown Card Players are looking for new members to join them on Tuesday nights for their card playing in the school at 8.30pm. All parents welcome and card playing lessons included.